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How to Apply For WhatsApp Business API?

With 1.2 billion monthly users and the expected growth of user number to over 3.5 billion by 2025, WhatsApp is not just a messaging service but has become a fantastic marketing platform.

Although many companies such as WeChat and Facebook Messenger have been enabling companies to use them as a marketing communication channel for so long, when WhatsApp joined the race, it got the advantage of two things—

  1. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app.
  2. WhatsApp is the leading messaging app in 180 countries worldwide and is available in 60 languages.

So, if you want to understand how to leverage WhatsApp Business API for your business, let’s find out.

Because in this article, we’ll provide you with a complete overview and a step-by-step guide to applying for WhatsApp Business API.

What is WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API is an application program interface created by Facebook in August 2018 for medium to large businesses.

It helps businesses receive and answer unlimited WhatsApp messages and provide a tailored solution to scale their customer engagement via WhatsApp.

Here are the key features of WhatsApp Business API:

  • Messages are Broadcasted for bulk notifications.
  • Multi-agent access for customer support
  • No app or interface, use via BSPs or CRM
  • WhatsApp Chatbot & interactive messages support
  • Green Tick, verified WhatsApp Business profile

Since WhatsApp API is only an interface, you need a separate CRM to use the features provided by WhatsApp Business API so that you can engage and communicate with your customers.

And you can get your CRM dashboard from Chat360 within minutes.

Requirements to use WhatsApp API

WhatsApp’s API (Application Programming Interface) allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp messaging capabilities into their applications and workflows, enabling them to communicate with customers more effectively. However, before utilizing the WhatsApp API, businesses need to meet certain requirements to ensure compliance and seamless integration. 

Here are the key requirements:

1. Business Verification:

To access the WhatsApp API, businesses need to undergo a verification process to confirm their authenticity. This involves submitting documentation to prove the legitimacy of the business entity. We will discuss that further in the blog.

2. Facebook Business Manager Account: 

WhatsApp API integration is managed through the Facebook Business Manager platform. Businesses must have a Facebook Business Manager account set up to access the WhatsApp API.

3. Approved WhatsApp Business Account: 

Businesses must have a verified WhatsApp Business Account to use the API. This involves creating a WhatsApp Business Profile and getting it approved by WhatsApp.

4. Consent: 

Obtaining user consent is crucial before sending messages via the WhatsApp API. Users must opt-in to receive messages from the business, and businesses must adhere to WhatsApp’s policies regarding message frequency and content.

5. API Access: 

After meeting the above requirements, businesses can apply for access to the WhatsApp API through the Facebook Business Manager platform. Upon approval, they will receive API credentials to integrate WhatsApp messaging into their applications or customer communication systems.

6. Compliance: 

Businesses using the WhatsApp API must comply with WhatsApp’s Business Policy and Terms of Service, as well as relevant data privacy regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Non-compliance can result in suspension of API access.

7. Technical Integration: 

Once granted access, businesses need to integrate the WhatsApp API into their existing systems or applications. This typically involves working with developers or using third-party platforms that provide API integration services.

7 Reasons Why your business need WhatsApp Business API?

Here are the four reasons why you should be using WhatsApp Business API:

1. Increasing strong brand connections:

If you want to be benefitted in the long term, you need to build strong trust and credibility among your target audience. And WhatsApp Business API helps you precisely with the same.

Here’s why:

  • WhatsApp Business API provides you with the facility to communicate with your customers in a closed and personal environment.
  • Businesses can create their profiles which allow them to share important information with their customers, such as contact details, website URLs, social media links, store addresses, new offers, etc.
  • WhatsApp always verifies all business accounts and gives them a “green tick.” This helps them build authority so that their customers get the assurance that they’re not getting spammed.

2. Global Reach:

Since WhatsApp is free to use, it has the highest smartphone penetration rate of 95%, and it’s the most used messaging app in 104 locales.

WhatsApp is used by almost everyone globally. So, if you’re a global customer base or your customer travels globally, you can communicate hassle-free anytime.

3. Real Time Conversation:

84% of companies that work to improve their customer experience report an increase in their revenue. And by incorporating WhatsApp Business API into your business strategy, you can improve your customer experience and satisfaction exponentially.


Here it is, WhatsApp chat is a two-way street, which means your customers can ask their queries directly without facing the inconvenience of phone calls and emails.

Because of these real-time conversations, your customers will get a sense of care and personalization.

4. Data Security:

In a survey, 86% of the respondents said they feel a growing concern about data privacy, so you must keep your customers’ data secure and keep them satisfied.

And, WhatsApp messages are end-to-end encrypted, so your customers feel secure while connecting with you.

5. Centralized Communication Hub: 

The WhatsApp Business API serves as a centralized hub for managing customer conversations. Whether you’re a small business owner or a freelancer, having all your client communications in one place makes it easier to stay organized and responsive.

6. Automated Messaging: 

With the WhatsApp Business API, you can automate repetitive tasks and messages, saving time and improving efficiency. Set up automated responses for common inquiries, send appointment reminders, or deliver personalized updates to your contacts without manual intervention.

7. Analytics and Insights:

Gain valuable insights into your messaging performance with analytics provided by the WhatsApp Business API. Track metrics such as message delivery, open rates, and response times to measure the effectiveness of your communication strategies and make data-driven decisions.

WhatsApp Business API offers individuals and businesses a range of benefits, by leveraging these features, you can enhance your customer interactions, drive engagement, and achieve your business objectives more effectively.

Who can use WhatsApp Business API?

WhatsApp Business API is accessible to businesses and organizations of all sizes and across various industries. Whether you’re a small local business, a large enterprise, or a non-profit organization, the API offers powerful tools and features to enhance communication, streamline operations, and drive success in today’s digital landscape. Following are the list of the types of businesses who can use WhatsApp Business APIs:

You must follow specific business terms and conditions to apply for the WhatsApp Business API. However, there are two main factors that you need to consider to understand whether you’re eligible for the API or not.

1. SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses)

SMBs can leverage the WhatsApp Business API to establish a professional presence on the platform, communicate with customers in real-time, and provide personalized support. Whether it’s a local bakery, boutique shop, or consulting firm, SMBs can use the API to enhance customer engagement and drive growth.

2. Enterprises and Corporations:

Larger enterprises and corporations can utilize the WhatsApp Business API to streamline communication workflows, manage customer interactions at scale, and deliver seamless customer experiences. From multinational corporations to large e-commerce retailers, enterprises can leverage the API to stay connected with their audience and drive business objectives.

3. E-commerce Businesses:

E-commerce businesses can integrate the WhatsApp Business API into their platforms to facilitate order updates, shipping notifications, and customer support. By enabling direct communication with customers via WhatsApp, e-commerce businesses can enhance the shopping experience, increase customer satisfaction, and drive repeat purchases.

How to apply for WhatsApp Business API?

Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to apply for WhatsApp Business API.

1. Select the application route

There are two ways you can apply for WhatsApp Business API, and you need to choose one from them.

  • Direct Signup
    Apply directly through the official Meta Business Help Center website. While this route is accessible to all businesses, medium-sized companies may encounter challenges with approval and technical implementation.
  • Through a Solution Provider
    Opt for a WhatsApp Business solution provider like Chat360 for a quicker and smoother approval process. Solution providers offer assistance in navigating the application process and provide additional support for integration and maintenance.

2. Submit basic information

Next, you must submit basic information about your company and your intentions with your WhatsApp services.

This information includes—

  • Company name
  • Website URL
  • Industry
  • Country of company headquarters
  • Location (s) where you want to provide your services
  • Intended use cases
  • Time to market(the time when you want to launch the service)
  • Volume predictions (messages/day)

3. Approvals:

After submitting the required information, your brand approval process will commence. This typically takes 2-3 weeks, but actual processing times may vary. Once approved, you’ll receive confirmation to proceed with activating your WhatsApp Business account.

4. Activate your phone number

After your brand approval, you need to provide additional information to activate your phone number for your WhatsApp business account.

If you already have a phone number registered with the WhatsApp business app, you can proceed with the activation process; if not, register it beforehand.

Here is the information you need to provide for the phone number activation—

  • The phone number of your WhatsApp Business account
  • Name associated with the number
  • Customer Facebook Business Manager ID
  • The region for your app

Once your phone number is activated, you’ll have to manage all your communications on a virtual server, also known as docker, through a dashboard or a BSP system.

Remember that, however, you can register 25 phone numbers for each WhatsApp business account; each new number will require a separate docker server— resulting in a significant increase in your monthly expense.

What to do after setting up WhatsApp Business API?

Once you’ve set up your WhatsApp Business API, look at the following essential steps.

  • Get your green tick badge.

Having a green tick next to your business name will build the trust and credibility of your brand among your customers.

Although, you’re eligible for a green tick badge only if you send 500 messages/day and have an international presence of your brand.

Sometimes, getting a green tick badge from WhatsApp is very hard. But,Chat360 can help you to get it faster.

  • Integrate it with Chat360

With Chat360, you can build, deploy and integrate WhatsApp bot on your number and drive better ROI for your business.

  • Provide a smooth customer experience
  • Increase lead for your business
  • Reduce abandoned cart recovery
  • Set up the marketing campaign
  • Create your own E-commerce store

If you don’t want to follow this tedious and mundane process, then we can provide an end-to-end WhatsApp solution for your business. Book a free consultation call with Chat360. Schedule a free demo today!

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