All about Customer Support Chatbots | Blog Category World's Leading Conversational AI Chatbot Builder Tue, 21 May 2024 09:07:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 All about Customer Support Chatbots | Blog Category 32 32 Customer Service Chatbot Features Thu, 20 Apr 2023 08:49:31 +0000 Chatbot is rapidly revolutionizing and is taking every industry by storm. Whether it is the education sector or the healthcare industry, a chatbot is in great need for their automating customer support workflows. Since the need should be addressed with a conversational AI chatbot, there are plenty of AI tools available in the market. This … Continue reading Customer Service Chatbot Features

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Chatbot is rapidly revolutionizing and is taking every industry by storm. Whether it is the education sector or the healthcare industry, a chatbot is in great need for their automating customer support workflows. Since the need should be addressed with a conversational AI chatbot, there are plenty of AI tools available in the market. This often confuses the end consumer to choose the right one for their business. And when we closely look at the problem statement, the easiest way to choose a customer service chatbot platform is to evaluate the customer service chatbot features. 

When it comes to implementing a customer service chatbot for a website, there are several features that businesses should consider. The features can range from helping improve the overall user experience of a website to increasing the customer satisfaction score. In this article, we’ll explore some of the must-have features for a customer service chatbot that will give you complete clarity.

Must-have Features for a Customer Service Chatbot

Based on the criticality of business use, here is a list of CS chatbot features that you need to consider.

1. Omnichannel Support

The omnichannel support feature tops the list as it is required for every business. This is further classified as omnichannel messaging that is generally attributed by the chatbot platform companies.

Omnichannel messaging is a feature that allows users to communicate with chatbot across multiple channels using a single dashboard. The channels can be Website, eMail, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and other channels. With this feature, customers can receive instant support through their preferred channel, making it easier for them to communicate with the business. And for businesses, there is no hassle of opening every platform if they have to interact with customers as they get a unified dashboard.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is another important feature that user needs to consider before opting customer service chatbot for the website. As NLP is a vital branch of AI when it comes to chatbot development, it enables the chatbot to understand and interpret customer messages, regardless of how they are phrased. This helps to ensure that the chatbot provides accurate and relevant responses to customer queries when they are prompted.

Along with NLP, there are other AI branches that you can look out for ML, NLU, and NLG. These are also equally important when it comes to distinguishing the chatbot features from the rest.

3. No-Code Visual Chat Flow Builder

A no-code visual chat flow builder is a feature that enables businesses to create and modify chatbot interaction chat workflows without any coding knowledge. This makes it convenient for companies to customize and personalize their chatbot which ensures to meet their specific needs.

No-code visual chat flow builder is intuitive, and it makes an interactive experience for the chatbot backend users with all the visual elements that are available. As it creates an engaging experience and gives complete freedom for the users to have their requirements fulfilled by a chatbot.

4. Live Chat Handover & Management

Live chat handover and management is a feature that enables the chatbot to seamlessly inter-exchange the conversation with a human representative when required. This ensures that customers receive the help they need in a timely manner and can get their queries addressed if any human intervention is required.

When there is a huge influx of customer service queries, chatbot users also need to be ready to manage them. This is why you need to see whether the chatbot can intelligently manage and hand over customer queries based on criticality or if it needs to be manually operated.

5. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is an AI feature that powers the chatbot to detect the tone and emotion of customer messages. This can help the chatbot provide more empathetic and personalized responses depending on the scenario and make the customer feel valued through it. 

This feature also helps businesses to identify the areas where they need to improve their customer service. It instantly boosts customer retention and ensures that customers will not get disassociated from the company. 

6. Easy Customization

Similar to visual chat flow builder, businesses also need to consider this feature if they do not have a vast tech team to support it. Because easy customization is a feature that helps businesses to customize their chatbot without any technical knowledge. And when you do not have associates without tech knowledge, it becomes hard for them to use the chatbot for customer interaction.

Customization can include changing the chatbot’s appearance or visual identity, modifying its responses, managing users, or adding new features whenever it is introduced. 

7. Chatbot Training

Chatbot training is about training a company’s chatbot to better understand customer queries and provide more accurate responses. It is a major component of machine learning and business need to have the input where they can have their own datasets uploaded to the server to train the chatbot.

Training the chatbot can help improve the chatbot’s performance in terms of better message delivery and increase customer satisfaction rate when customers get relevant solutions to their problem statement.

8. Integration with CRM and 3rd-Party Apps

CRM integration with a chatbot is a key feature when your business has a huge customer database. As companies look forward to tracking their customer service teams’ performance, it is a helpful feature for businesses to have. This also helps the CS teams to be more organized and know the activities happening around them.

Integration with other 3rd-party apps is also needed. For instance marketing automation software. The integration can help businesses streamline their marketing workflows and provide outreach facilities to support the customers.

9. Multilingual Capabilities

When your business has customers from across the globe, multilingual capability is a must-have feature for a chatbot. As the chatbot can communicate with customers in multiple languages. This can help businesses reach a wider audience and provide service to customers who may not speak the same language as the business.

You also need to ensure that the languages are thoroughly tested before deploying them to customers. Because using a mere translation features can be a disastrous move, so training the chatbot before deploying it to customers is important.

10. Security & Privacy

Security and privacy are critical features for any website customer service chatbot. Businesses should ensure that their chatbot is secure and compliant with relevant data privacy regulations to protect their customers’ data and are certified by the relevant agencies.

With the security compliance badge, it easily helps companies to build trust with their customers. Ensuring that there will be no threat of data loss and it will be privately regulated within them.

Concluding thoughts

In conclusion, there are several must-have features that businesses should consider when implementing a customer service chatbot for their website or mobile apps. The above features that we have short-listed can be helpful for businesses to provide more effective and efficient support to their customers. It also helps boost the overall user experience for your customer and customer service executives.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the common FAQs faced when it comes to the evaluation of CS website bot features.

1. What are the other AI features that I need to consider which will help improve my website chatbot’s performance?

Other popular AI features can be Deep Learning and Expert systems that can be considered. Both features together help businesses identify areas where they need to improve their customer service. By analyzing the datasets and training, the chatbot can better understand the customer’s needs and provide more accurate and relevant responses.

2. Can I personalize the chatbot experience for customers?

You can personalize the chatbot experience based on how well you have trained them on factors of sentiment analysis. Because analysis and training are key when it comes to delivering personalized responses and making your customers feel privileged.

3. What are the advanced customer support chatbot features?

A few advanced chatbot features include sentiment analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and multilingual capabilities. These features can help improve the performance of a customer service chatbot by providing more personalized and accurate support to customers. Additionally, they also support businesses to automate customer interaction workflows and provide a better experience to them.

4. Can I integrate my customer service chatbot with all third-party apps?

It depends on the chatbot platform you are using and the third-party apps you want to integrate with. Some chatbot platforms offer pre-built integrations with popular third-party apps, while others may require custom integration work. Additionally, some third-party apps may not offer open APIs that allow for integration with external tools. It is important to research the compatibility of your chatbot platform with the third-party apps you want to integrate with and ensure that the necessary APIs are available for integration.

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Customer Service Automation Tool Feature Comparison Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:12:37 +0000 Customer support automation tools are the foundation of great customer experience. It automates crucial parts of customer support functionality which enhances the experience of both customers and agents. And grants you more time to focus on business growth. However, with so many tools available in the market, getting the hands-on perfect tools for your business … Continue reading Customer Service Automation Tool Feature Comparison

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Customer support automation tools are the foundation of great customer experience. It automates crucial parts of customer support functionality which enhances the experience of both customers and agents. And grants you more time to focus on business growth. However, with so many tools available in the market, getting the hands-on perfect tools for your business can be a tough task. Therefore to help you find the perfect tool that fits your customer support team, we have put together the top 17 customer service automation tool features comparison.

Importance of choosing the right CSA tool for your business

1. Improve efficiency

The right automation tool helps businesses offer quick and relevant responses to queries through multiple channels with fewer errors and mistakes. It hands over the ticket to the experts on time which reduces wait time.

Customer support automation technology like chatbots and AI take care of income service requests during the company’s off-hours which eliminate the need for hiring employees to work at odd hours.

2. Data insight

In the past years, data analytics has been a main driver of customer satisfaction. Data analytics lets you study trends in customer behavior. Hence with the combination of analytics with AI, you can make predictions on individual customer behavior and offer an intelligent and informed customer experience at any point of the customer journey.

3. Cost-effective

Traditional support demands more human involvement, training, cost, and time. However with automation, the agents don’t have to spend extra time on repetitive tasks, or in fact, there is no need to spend extra on recruitment or training folks in the support team. It allows customer support teams to redirect their time and effort to tasks that hold more weight and complexity.

4. Scalability

The scalability of any business requires a lot of investment. Be it time, money, or human resources. But, with automation, scalability is highly achievable. It helps you grow without needing to increase human resources. The automation gathers information before the conversation even starts with the help of an AI-like, chatbot, and leaves agents to take up more complex tasks. With that scalability comes ease.

Key features to compare

1. Automated responses

An automated response is a key feature to look out for in any customer support automation tool. Automated responses can save a lot of labor costs. While manually responding to a consumer’s message and email takes forever. Automation eliminates that time needed and allows your employees to participate in tasks that help bring more money. Not just that, the automated responses help you stay connected with your customers even during the time you are away.

2. AI Chatbots presence – Mobile/desktop

Chatbots help build relations and connect with their customers in different channels. Be it generating leads, informing customers, or assisting the users during their purchasing journey. Chatbot is crucial. Therefore while looking for customer support automation, you should look out for chatbot features and an interface that is both mobile-friendly and desktop friendly.

3. ML Capabilities

Machine learning helps automation tools become more accurate at predicting outcomes with the help of historical input. It gives a business a glimpse of trends in customer behavior and operational business patterns. It’s helpful for businesses to customize product development and marketing initiatives to customer demand.

4. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting help businesses make decisions based on data. It also helps Businesses identify areas of inefficiency and opportunities for improvement. By analyzing data, businesses can understand the flaws in their operations and work on improving efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Reporting helps to evaluate the performance and progress toward goals. And adjust with strategies as needed.

5. Integrations with other tools

The automation tools should be capable of working together with other tools seamlessly for better results. For instance integration of customer relationship management (CRM) systems with a business intelligence tool can help gather a good amount of data on customer behavior. It helps improve data accuracy and prevent errors. Therefore integration with other tools is a feature you can’t neglect.

6. Personalization and customization options

Personalized interaction makes customers feel special. It drives repeat engagement and loyalty over time. Customers feel more connected when the content is personalized and not generic. That way, customers can resonate on a personal level. Hence there will be a retention of customers. Also, it enables businesses to offer relevant and required content that reduces resource wastage and increases efficiency.

Related: Customer Service Chatbot Features 

Comparison of different customer service automation tools

1. Zendesk

Zendesk is a cloud-based customization support automation tool that helps brands build great customer relationships. It is designed to improve customer experience by offering support in various channels like sms, website, phone, email, mobile app, social media, etc. 


  • It allows integration with various apps like MailChimp, Trustpilot, Xero, Shopify, and more.
  • Tagging and tracking issues to report on the different problems is easier.


  • To get the most out of Zendesk, agents, and admins need to train it. Or you’ll need to enroll in a training course.
  • Using all features of Zendesk is quite expensive.

2. Freshdesk

This tool converts and unifies tickets coming via mail, chat, social media, website, phone, etc. Freshdesk allows self-service to customers, manages SLA, and measures metrics to provide seamless customer support.


  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • The UI offers wonderful tracking and organization of emails and support issues.


  • It has limited article categories and folders.
  • The support and contact system is as bad as it gets. creates multiple tickets for one issue.

3. Hubspot

It’s a customer support tool that brings entire companies together to optimize workflow, information, and revenue. It offers integration facilities from customer service to sales, marketing, and trading helping the company grow smoothly.


  • Offers free CRM forever with unlimited user facility.
  • Easy to set up, use and manage. Both free and paid users can have chatbots on their websites.


  • CRM does not adjust to a requirement of a business that has a complex sales process.
  • CRM is not suitable for businesses with large sales teams.

4. Help Scout

Help Scout is an all-in-one customer support automation tool that helps support teams provide self-service email, and live chat support from one centralized tool.


  • It has a great email and message-tracking interface.
  • Software is suitable for personalization and individual performance.


  • It doesn’t help track chats and calls.
  • Project management practices are poor and that weakens the ability of the organization to expand the product line.

5. LiveChat

LiveChat is an Excellent customer support automation tool that offers live chat features? It supports both customers and sales teams and allows you to interact with specific visitors based on their profile and behavior, and send personalized messages to enhance engagement.


  • It is simple to set up, configure, and use.
  • The software supports more than 200 integrations.


  • The live chat terminates when a different window opens.
  • Bit expensive for small businesses.

6. Service Now

It is an operation management automation tool that offers client software distribution, password reset, and activity packs. Hence empowers you to improve productivity by reducing tasks and automating processes.


  • Capable of managing all services together at a single platform but in separate modules.
  • Easy integration with other tools.


  • Capacity management is missing.
  • The interface is not user-friendly. New users need to be guided on how to navigate through the tool.

7. Marketo

Marketo offers robust performance for businesses of all sizes using tools like email, sequences, search engine optimization, and strong integration with third-party CRMs.


  • Great integration option
  • Very useful in sending large volumes of emails.


  • It has bad reporting of analytics.
  • UI is confusing, slow, and has bugs.

8. Pipe drive

Pipe drive is a Cloud-base CRM tool that assists the sales team manage leads and deals. And offers automated workflow with the help of AI.


  • Offers excellent integration with improved functionality in specific areas.
  • Offers a free trial process.


  • The drag-and-drop deal management can be difficult to understand.
  • Integration problem.

9. Slack 

Slack is a Cloud-based project collaboration and team integration that simplifies business communication. Some of its features are open discussions, private groups, deep contextual search, direct messaging, file sharing, etc.


  • Connects the team effectively despite being in different geographic areas.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • It’s difficult to search for a specific conversation.
  • The app freezes during prolonged use.

10. Chat360

It offers multi-channel conversational marketing platforms to enterprises all around. It allows you to take your sales, marketing, and support efforts to any channel you prefer. 


  • It has easy to use interface 


  • It has no free trials.

Factors to consider when choosing a tool

1. Budget

Cost is a major factor when selecting the right automation tool. Apart from the product price, there will be potential expenses like maintenance costs, manpower costs, etc. A tool that permits cloud hosting reduces your expenses in the long run. All the costs should be evaluated properly to ensure that the cost is within the budget.

2. Company size and needs

It’s important to consider the size of the company while selecting the automation tool. Larger companies require automation with more advanced features. While small companies might do with basic tools that are easier to use and maintain. Also keeping the company’s needs in mind, automation tools should fulfill the requirement first. For instance, a company should go for a social management tool if it requires a tool that can monitor and respond to customer inquiries and comments on social media platforms.

3. Customer preferences and behavior

For any business, customer experience, and satisfaction are prime. While selecting an automation tool those factors should be considered first. The tool should be compatible with customers’ access. Make sure that customers are not unhappy and frustrated by slow performance. The automation tool should not keep the privacy and security of customers at stake.

4. Support and training opt

Tools should be adjustable and customizable with the change in needs and demands. Continuous training helps the tool meet specific needs. There should be scope for updates and upgrades to help tools evolve.

Having training and support options help businesses speed up the automation tool, especially when an issue arises. 


It’s a daunting task to find the tool that meets your immediate need as well as is flexible enough to cover future requirements. A wrong choice leads to dissatisfied customers, and frustrated team members. Therefore take your time and make the most informed decision you can.

Hope the blog helps you figure out the best tool that serves you and your team.

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Customer Service Automation: Challenges & Solutions Sun, 12 Feb 2023 18:10:14 +0000 Customer service automation (CSA) is a rapidly evolving industry and is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses of all sizes. Automation improves customer experience, reduces operational costs, and increases efficiency and accuracy.  The use of automation in customer service is a great way to streamline processes such as order processing, customer service inquiries, and customer feedback. … Continue reading Customer Service Automation: Challenges & Solutions

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Customer service automation (CSA) is a rapidly evolving industry and is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses of all sizes. Automation improves customer experience, reduces operational costs, and increases efficiency and accuracy. 

The use of automation in customer service is a great way to streamline processes such as order processing, customer service inquiries, and customer feedback. It can also create personalized customer experiences, such as customized product recommendations, tailored customer service responses, and more. 

Businesses can reduce labour costs and improve customer satisfaction by automating customer service processes. It can be used to provide better customer support, as customers can find answers to their questions or troubleshoot their issues more quickly. It also increases customer loyalty, as customers are more likely to be satisfied with automated customer service than with manual customer service. 

However, automation comes with its own challenges. The primary challenge is its inability to handle complex customer inquiries. Automation can lead to a time-consuming and frustrating process, poor customer experience, and a lack of personalized service if not implemented correctly. 

This blog will cover details of the challenges in implementing customer service automation and how to overcome them to provide a better customer experience, save time and money, and increase customer loyalty.

Why Choose Customer Service Automation

Customer service automation offers numerous compelling reasons for businesses to use automation to align their customer service goals. 

Firstly, automation enhances efficiency by streamlining repetitive tasks like responding to inquiries and processing orders in seconds, freeing up valuable time for staff to focus on more complex issues and strategic initiatives.

Secondly, it ensures consistency in service delivery by providing standardized responses and processes, therefore it can establish trust and reliability amongst customers. 

Automation significantly reduces operational costs by minimizing the need for manual intervention and decreasing the likelihood of errors. Its consistent responses to customer queries, leads to great execution of customer service with cost effective solutions.

Common Challenges in Implementing Customer Service Automation

While customer service automation has its own benefits, it is not without its challenges, such as resistance to change, cost, lack of human interaction, data management, security concerns, and training. By understanding the common challenges, businesses face when implementing automation in customer service; organizations can take steps to make the transition smoother and more successful. In this section, we will explore these common challenges in more detail.

1. Integration with existing systems

Integrating automation systems with existing customer service infrastructure can pose challenges, especially when dealing with disparate platforms and technologies.

Automating customer service processes requires integration with existing systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. This can be difficult and time-consuming to set up. 

To automate customer service processes, companies must identify the processes that can be automated and how they will be integrated with existing systems. This includes mapping out the entire customer journey, determining what types of customer data need to be collected, and understanding how customer information will flow through the different systems.

2. Resistance to change from employees and customers

Employees may resist or struggle to adapt to new automated processes, necessitating comprehensive training programs and change management strategies to facilitate smooth transitions.

Resistance to automation from employees is a common challenge organizations face when implementing new technology. It is caused by various factors, including a lack of understanding of the technology, fear of job loss or reduced job security, the feeling of being replaced by robots, or a preference to do things the old-fashioned way. 

3. Data privacy and security concerns

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data inputs is crucial for effective automation. Poor data quality or inconsistencies can lead to erroneous outcomes and hinder automation efforts.

Data privacy and security concerns are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. As more and more data is collected and stored through automation, organizations need to take measures to ensure that the data is kept secure and the privacy of individuals is respected. 

4. Complexity of automation tools

Automation tools for customer service can be complex, requiring skilled personnel to set up and maintain the systems. This can be a challenge for companies with limited resources. 

The complexity of automation tools can vary greatly depending on the implementation type. Some automation tools are very simple and require very little technical knowledge to operate, while others may require a more advanced understanding of programming, scripting, or other technical concepts. Additionally, some automation tools are designed for specific use cases and may require specialized knowledge to configure and operate.

5. Budget constraints

Implementing and maintaining customer service automation systems entail significant upfront and ongoing costs. Businesses must carefully evaluate the return on investment and weigh the benefits against the expenses involved.

Automating customer service processes can be expensive, and companies may not have the financial resources to invest in the technology. Companies must carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of customer service automation before investing in the technology. Companies must also consider how the technology will be maintained and managed to ensure the most up-to-date customer service standards are met.

Benefits of Customer Service Automation

Providing exceptional customer service is of the most importance to maintain a competitive edge in business. As the customer’s are evolving with the businesses are increasingly turning to automation to streamline their customer service operations.

Customer service automation involves leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks, such as responding to inquiries, processing orders, and providing support, thereby enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

By implementing automated systems, businesses can improve their ability to meet customer needs promptly and consistently, regardless of the time or channel of interaction.

Let’s explore five key benefits of customer service automation that can empower businesses to deliver superior customer experiences and drive success in the digital age:

1. Enhanced Efficiency:
Customer service automation streamlines repetitive tasks, such as responding to common inquiries or processing routine transactions, allowing businesses to handle a larger volume of customer interactions with fewer resources and in less time.

2. Round the clock availability:
Automated systems operate round-the-clock, providing customers with access to assistance and information at any time of day or night. This ensures improved accessibility and responsiveness, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction.

3. Consistency:
Automation ensures consistency in service delivery by providing standardized responses and processes. This consistency fosters trust and reliability among customers, as they receive uniform and reliable assistance regardless of the time or channel of interaction.

4. Cost Efficient:
By reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing the occurrence of errors, customer service automation leads to significant cost savings for businesses. These savings result from decreased labor costs, improved operational efficiency, and reduced overhead associated with traditional customer service methods.

5. Scalability:
Automated systems can scale to accommodate fluctuations in customer demand without compromising service quality. Whether handling a sudden surge in inquiries or managing a growing customer base, automation ensures that businesses can adapt and expand their customer service capabilities seamlessly.

Strategies to Overcome CSA Implementation Challenges

To successfully implement customer service automation, businesses must be equipped to tackle these challenges. This section will discuss various strategies that can be used to overcome CSA implementation challenges. 

1. Plan and Prioritize the Automation Process: 

A well-defined plan with clear objectives and a timeline is essential for successful automation implementation. Identifying the areas that can be automated and prioritizing them based on their importance for the business is important. This will ensure that the resources are used effectively and efficiently. 

2. Involve Employees and Customers in the Implementation Process: 

The involvement of employees and customers in the customer service automation implementation process is crucial for its success. Businesses should address resistance from employees by taking the time to address their concerns, explain the technology and its benefits, provide training and education on how to use it, support employees concerned about job security, and make an effort to show them how automation can actually improve their overall job performance. 

Customers should be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the automated services to ensure that their needs are being met. 

3. Invest in Robust Security Measures: 

Security is a major concern when implementing CSA. Businesses should invest in robust security measures to protect customer data and confidential information. Organizations must ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and that data is encrypted when stored and transmitted. They must also ensure that all data is securely destroyed when no longer needed and that data is not shared with any third parties without explicit consent. 

Organizations must also remain vigilant against cyber attacks, such as phishing and ransomware, which can compromise data security. They should implement security measures such as firewalls, anti-virus software, and two-factor authentication. Additionally, organizations must ensure they comply with data privacy laws, such as the GDPR and CCPA

4. Choose Simple and User-Friendly Automation Tools: 

Businesses should choose customer service automation tools that are simple and easy to use. This will ensure that employees can quickly learn to use the tools and that customers can easily navigate the automated services. 

5. Allocate Adequate Budget for Automation: 

Businesses should allocate an adequate budget for customer service automation implementation. This includes costs for training employees, purchasing the necessary tools and software, and any additional expenses that may be incurred. Allocating a sufficient budget will ensure that the implementation process is not hindered due to a lack of funds.

Why Choose Chat360 as your Customer Service Automation Partner

The implementation of customer service automation presents various challenges. Despite these challenges, automation benefits businesses, improving customer satisfaction, NPS, CRO, and reducing operational costs. 

Automation technologies such as AI and machine learning can help companies provide personalized customer experiences, improve customer service efficiency, and reduce customer service costs. Data from research has shown that customer service automation can increase customer satisfaction by up to 30% and reduce customer service costs by up to 50%. 

Like any technology, automation comes with its own set of challenges. Businesses need to identify, analyze, and address these challenges before implementing automation. By doing so, companies can ensure that they get the most out of automation and maximize their customer service efficiency. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how Chat360 can help businesses automate their customer service and overcome the challenges associated with automation, visit our website to learn more.

Schedule a free demo today!

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Omnichannel contact center Mon, 23 Jan 2023 18:00:10 +0000 Making your business stand out hinges on your ability to offer exponential customer experience. And contact centers are of considerable importance when it comes to customer satisfaction. Yet most people are hesitant to approach call centers due to their frustrating experience while calling a company for service. But things are different now. There has been … Continue reading Omnichannel contact center

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Making your business stand out hinges on your ability to offer exponential customer experience. And contact centers are of considerable importance when it comes to customer satisfaction. Yet most people are hesitant to approach call centers due to their frustrating experience while calling a company for service.

But things are different now. There has been a significant evolution in contact centers in the last two decades. It’s virtually unrecognizable from its predecessor. While phone calls were the primary touch point between any business and customers, today, we have omnichannel services like email, web chat, texting, and social media to stay in touch with customers. And that has taken customer experience to the whole next level.

The blog will guide you through what an omnichannel contact center is, some of its features, and its benefits.

What is an omnichannel contact center?

An omnichannel contact center is an interaction hub where the organization streamlines customer interaction from different communication channels like phone, chat, email, text (SMS), and social media.

The interactions of multiple channels are automatically synced with each other, which makes it easier for the representative to study past conversations and assist the customers better. Also, it means that customers can choose their preferred channels to interact whenever and wherever they like and continue from where they left off.

Why do we need omnichannel support for contact centers?

1. Better customer insight

Collecting information via omnichannel support like chat, social media, and forums is easier. You can access the chat transcript and evaluate the customer’s journey. Thereby depending on need, data and customer information can be quickly accumulated at any time. It gives you context on customers’ needs on various channels and how you should further interact with your clients.

Such information can be priceless as you can make improvements and always offer better service.

2. Improve agent productivity

If it’s a phone call, an agent can only speak to a single customer at a time. You need to hire more manpower to deal with a maximum number of clients. Whereas channels like chats and social media serve hundreds and thousands of customers at a time.

Therefore agents are loaded off from performing minor and repetitive tasks. As a result, they get to focus on more complex tasks and add real value to the organization.

3. Reduction in call center costs

Omnichannel support saves you a lot compared to support based entirely on phone calls. Many channels offer a self-help facility like a knowledge base. It encourages customers to help themselves with answers before turning to an agent.

It takes away a substantial operational burden from agents’ shoulders. That means you can save a lot of operating costs.

4. Enables brands to cater to a diverse audience

Having various automated communication channels allows you to engage with potential and existing customers. Social media or live chat engagement even helps you increase your customer base. The easy-to-use features and genuine reviews in social media have made it a popular channel for customers. Therefore you must have several channels as an option for engagement to strengthen the omnichannel customer experience.

5. Customer satisfaction

Customers are always happy with brands that offer an omnichannel customer experience. That is because it makes customer purchase journeys smoother, eliminating hurdles they face while interacting with your brand.

They perceive your brand the way you serve them. Leveraging more touchpoints for buyers allows you to understand how omnichannel benefits customers. If you don’t expand your channels, your customer’s buying experience is more likely to suffer, which will ultimately affect your business.

Omnichannel Contact Center vs Multi-channel Contact Centre

Both multichannel and omnichannel contact centers are similar to each other to some extent. They both deploy multiple channels for interactions. However, there are a few points that set apart multi-channel from omnichannel contact centers.

In a multi-channel contact center, the interaction that takes place in a particular channel stays in that channel. Customers who switch to another channel will have to repeat their stories from the start. For instance, if a customer approaches a company’s Facebook page and raises his problem regarding the product, then he is routed to talk to an agent via call. Here the customers have to repeat the complete details because the data in social media is not synced with phone calls.

However, omnichannel contact centers sync every channel with one another, making the customer journey more manageable. If a customer raises a concern about the product on the website chat, he might later on continue the conversation with the product specialist via live call. Here, he will not have to repeat himself after switching the channel.

The product specialist can easily access the previous website chat. It helps them prepare for a phone call.

Therefore it’s easier to switch communication channels for customers in omnichannel as compared to multi-channel.

In addition to that, multi-channel contact centers can be a bit more expensive due to the need for companies to hire more customer service agents. With an omnichannel contact center, businesses can set themselves up to deliver self-service, reducing operational costs.

What features do you need to look for in an Omnichannel Contact Center?

1. Omnichannel routing

This method assigns work to agents based on their expertise so that contacts connect to the right agent at the right time, irrespective of the interaction channel.

The interaction appears within the agent’s dashboard. The agent could type the response to the chat message without moving to any particular channel from where the query arises.

2. Customer sentiment analysis

Knowing how your customers feel about your brand leads to outstanding customer experience. Customer sentiment analysis uses AI to discover emotions in online communication that helps you understand customers’ feelings. It guides the business to respond effectively to its customers.

The sentiment analysis uses NLP and algorithms to detect patterns in text and differentiate opinions as positive, negative, or neutral. It also identifies some keywords like “tracking,” “late order,” ” return” etc.

3. Software Integration

Software integration brings together two or more channels and works in tandem. It makes it possible to consolidate data from disparate channels and get accurate information.

It promotes better functionality and performance across various channels. It simplifies complex business processes by unifying them under a single interface. Therefore your contact center should integrate with the best third-party CRM for a seamless customer experience.

4. Analytics and Reporting

Analyzing live and past communication helps the contact center analyze the KPIs. It helps admins evaluate the efficiency of every department and individual and identify the backlog in channels.

The analytics include:

  • Average phone/video call duration
  • Most interacted channel
  • An average number of outbound interactions, and rate of engagement.
  • Cost per contact, average hold time, average response time.
  • Customer satisfaction rate (CSAT score)

Challenges in implementing Omni channel for call center

1. Customer data synchronization

You can only offer seamless omnichannel customer support when you have up-to-date information about customers. And that includes contact information, purchase history, etc. But that is not always the case.

Most of the time, data is found spread across various systems. You might have a help desk system for support requests, CRM for sales, and an e-commerce platform for purchase history. It makes it challenging to have a complete picture of your customer.

Not just that, you might update a customer’s address in your CRM but fail to update it in the helpdesk system. Hence data is not synchronized, which might cause data loss.

2. Organizational silos

In most organizations, separate teams take care of different channels, products, or services. However, a simple journey that stays within particular silos may function well, but no one is accountable for the overall customer experience.

As a result, businesses fail to understand how customers perceive their brand and how they interact. And customers find the brand responsible for the overall experience. Especially if the organization is siloed, the performance of each silo may be measured individually. But the fact is that the total customer experience is not just the sum of its parts.

For instance, your channels, like phone, and video chats, may all be performing well, but the lack of integration will ruin the whole experience.

3. Legacy system

The way brands deal with, and process customer inquiries have evolved. They have adopted and modified their system, but their lack of agility has failed to meet ever-evolving customers’ requirements.

Organizations that are used to their legacy system find it difficult to integrate systems outside the silo.

The ability to use and adapt new technology improves business effectiveness and creates a better front-line customer experience.

4. Data management and governance

While creating a holistic journey for customers by integrating various interaction channels, you must also bring together the data.

Just like diverse channels being integrated, the data are various as well. So there’s always a privacy concern regarding sensitive credentials. Since multiple platforms are involved, there’s a concern related to data theft, fraud, and other privacy breaches.


You can grow your business faster and build an everlasting relationship with your customers, assisting them throughout their journey. All you need to do is leverage customer interactions across the channels customers prefer.

With Chat360, you can have multiple channels and one interface. It allows you to streamline your business workflow by configuring impactful business rules in omnichannel contact center software. You can book a free demo for a better understanding.

Further, read:

5 Ways to Make Customer Support Automation as your Strategic Advantage

The post Omnichannel contact center appeared first on Chat360.

Customer service vs customer success Mon, 16 Jan 2023 17:45:03 +0000 We think it’s a no-brainer to say that a customer-first approach to business is the surest way to thrive today. Products and services are in abundance, so the only thing that sets you apart is how well your users perceive you. Both, customer service and customer success aim at making product use seamless for users. … Continue reading Customer service vs customer success

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We think it’s a no-brainer to say that a customer-first approach to business is the surest way to thrive today. Products and services are in abundance, so the only thing that sets you apart is how well your users perceive you.

Both, customer service and customer success aim at making product use seamless for users. And both of them are equally crucial for a brand’s success. A happy customer experience involves on-time customer service and preemptive customer success initiatives.

The difference between customer service and customer success lies in their inherent goals and KPIs to achieve. Both of these functions are heavily reliant on each other to ensure customers have a positive brand perception.

In this blog, we will break down the difference between customer service and customer success, and how both of them work in tandem to build a great CX.

What is customer service?

Customer service is the frontline department of any organization that ensures customer satisfaction by troubleshooting doubts and questions users face. Most of the time, support requests are raised by customers during times of technical difficulties or general product roadblocks.

Customer service reps can use conversational AI tools like chatbots and voicebots to ensure punctual resolutions. This saves them time as they can now focus and deal with more complex issues. All in all, customer service teams ensure product utility stays unhindered for customers.

What is customer success?

Customer success teams help users leverage the most out of a product offering to reach users’ business goals or personal goals in the case of B2C. Customer success involves understanding problems businesses are trying to solve, and gauging how the product(s) can maximize their ROI. It involves building long-term user relationships with the aim of maximizing customer lifetime value by consistently providing value throughout their journeys.

Customer service vs customer success: What is the difference between customer service and customer success?

Customer service and customer success functions complement each other. Only when both of them work in synergy and in perfect harmony that a good customer experience occurs. But what is that sets them apart? How are these two functions correlated, yet very distinct from each other? Let’s get down to it.

Interaction duration

Customer service is independent in its action. A customer service team works to solve issues, questions and doubts to ensure users can seamlessly derive utility from a product. The interaction could be before a user converts, during the speculative stage, or post-sales. These conversations come to an end as soon as the problem at hand is resolved.

Customer success on the other hand is a lot more exhaustive. It takes into account a user’s complete buyer journey with a brand and the resultant customer experience during this time. Customer success has a wider dispersion and the effect is quantified over a period of time, as the process is continuous and evolving. The impact is long-term.


Most customer support interactions are reactive in nature. When a customer faces a hiccup and raises a concern with a business, customer service gets into action. The approach is more real-time solution-oriented, in which the TAT and future recurrence of the issue is minimized.

Customer success takes a deeper dive into building cohesive, sustainable relationships with customers. Customer success teams proactively reach out to users in order to identify areas of improvement and bridge solution gaps in the relevant context. As the name suggests, the agenda here is to provide value and utility to ensure success for users at every pivot in their journeys.

Framework and skillset

As we all know, customer service as a function exists for as long as commerce has. People have always reached out to businesses to solve their problems. So, it’s only natural for the function to have outlined protocols and skills needed to excel at it. As an established field, customer service is an easier nut to crack.

There’s a plethora of standard customer support practices that most businesses use, so scouting for talent to fit the bill is more defined. Representatives need to be polite, helpful, and patient. Support agents need to always be ready to face uncertainty and volatile customers. Time-bound efficiency plays a big role since it’s important for agents to swiftly resolve queries to avoid customers coming back with the same issues.

On the other hand, customer success is relatively a newer field with loosely defined goals and peripheral understanding. The existing function of customer success is less mature, which makes hiring the right talent to lead it trickier. Customer success agents need to have a panoramic view of customer journeys. They must possess the skills like empathy, articulation, critical thinking, and negotiation to ensure intact customer relationships. They must have a better presence of mind and a deeper insight into their products.

Tracking and KPI measurement

Both of these functions have their own aims to achieve. Customer service mostly deals with specific problems that can be easily resolved with speed and quality. So, quantifying the impact these experiences make is relatively simpler through a myriad of metrics and ratios.

Some of these metrics are,

First Response Time:

FRT measures the time it takes for a response from customer support the first time a user raises a ticket.

Average Resolution Time:

ART helps you evaluate how much time it takes for customer support to resolve a ticket.

Customer Satisfaction:

Your CSAT measures just how happy and satisfied are your users with your service.

Escalation Rate:

You wouldn’t want more tickets to be escalated to a higher authority, right? This KPI helps you figure out the percentage of total tickets that get escalated further.

Customer success, here, makes things a bit complicated. Since the impact of an accumulated customer experience is long-term, it’s not as easily calculable. The aim isn’t to fix problems in real-time, but to generate ROI through continuing user rapport. Customer success deals with what happens after conversion. And so, the ensuing effect can be presently measured through long-term KPIs like retention rates, repeat purchases, and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Winning together: How can customer service and customer success work in tandem?

Continuous customer success reach outs and successful ticket resolutions ensure a happy user. To delight users, it’s important for both functions to work together. Customer service and customer success teams should have easy access to stored user data at any point during user interactions. Having a one-point view for all can help agents fetch helpful information at the right time. Support agents can use the data to resolve queries more efficiently, whereas customer success teams can study these instances to pitch relevant product offerings.

Both functions also need to know when to react or be the first to reach out. For example, whether a user needs a better subscription plan or fixes in the present one, your teams should be en-garde. Teams can read into data to know the relevant course of action.

On one hand, when service agents educate the user about a product, it makes work simpler for customer success agents. When a user is already inclined towards making a decision, relevant interjection can give them the push to convert.

Build great user experiences with smart customer service

Delivering good customer support is vital for businesses today. It’s these short, transactional interactions that truly add up to define their overall experience with you. To ensure both customer support and customer success teams can work together to build wholesome journeys for users, conversational AI can lend a hand. Use Chat360’s chatbot solution to connect and engage with your audience. Redefine CX with an all-in-one AI solution today. Sign up now!

Further, read:

Inbound Customer Service Vs Outbound Customer Service

The post Customer service vs customer success appeared first on Chat360.

Omni channel customer service strategy and case study Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:27:02 +0000 Your competitors are just a click away from your customers, you must provide a personalized customer experience so that your customers happily stay loyal to your brand. And Omni channel customer service is a key driver for customer satisfaction.. Customers connect emotionally to those brands to whom they can easily connect via any channel (phone, … Continue reading Omni channel customer service strategy and case study

The post Omni channel customer service strategy and case study appeared first on Chat360.

Your competitors are just a click away from your customers, you must provide a personalized customer experience so that your customers happily stay loyal to your brand. And Omni channel customer service is a key driver for customer satisfaction..

Customers connect emotionally to those brands to whom they can easily connect via any channel (phone, email, social media, web chat, etc). And it’s not just customers who benefit from it, even businesses can fulfill their orders from anywhere.

As per Internet retailer companies having a strong Omni channel customer service strategy have customer retention of an average of 89% as compared with 33% for companies with a weak strategy.

Omni channel customer support strategy that leading brands use

Starbucks email strategy

In 2018, Starbucks had 60 million loyal groups of customers who were actively enrolled in Starbucks rewards, but those customers didn’t have any digital relationship with the brand.

Therefore Starbucks implemented an Omni channel retailing strategy. They forced a digital relationship by providing free wifi in exchange for an email ID. For that, they offered a solution where users would get a 10% off code in exchange for their email address.

The newly acquired email addresses were then used to drive retention and purchase frequency.
They sent unique triggered emails with discount offers on specific products which expired on the same day and were available during a certain timeframe.

The strategy helped Starbucks to drive digitally registered customers into stores during non-peak hours.

Spotify uses social media support for a better customer experience

Days are gone when you had to simply send a request for your favorite songs and wait for them to play on the radio or television. Or save some bucks to buy cassettes and CDs to listen to your favorite song.

Today, you can stream your favorite songs online or offline via mobile phones, computers, and smart TVs. And Spotify has been one of the major drivers causing a shift in the way we consume music.
Not just that, their outstanding customer support has won them the Webby Award for social media customer support.

Spotify leverages its product on social media like Twitter. Those Spotify users who reach out to the Twitter handle @SpotifyCares get to listen to thematically appropriate songs selected by the support team. Not many brands have the opportunity to play their songs on other social media platforms.

Not just that, Spotify offers a knowledge base where consumers can find up-to-date contents about the product and service whenever they want without having to wait for the support team to fetch a suitable solution.

National Geographic

National Geographic employed a conversational chatbot who would interact like Einstein. The bot was created to promote their new show Genius. It would reply to the users with information about the show and other interesting facts.

The bot made the users feel connected by answering professional and personal questions in real-time in a human and friendly way.

As a result, there were 6-8 minutes of average conversation, 11 turns per conversation, and 50% of user re-engagement. Thereby the user-friendly chatbot strategy did a wonderful job.

Case studies of Omni channel customer service enabled companies


AirHelp is a famous brand that advocates and protects passengers’ rights. By now it helped more than 16 million passengers with delayed, canceled, and overbooked flights.


Having a support team in over 35 markets who spoke 16 languages, AirHelp faced problems in monitoring their performance through their social media profiles with a single dashboard.

They wanted to reduce the agent’s response time with proper ticket assignment but couldn’t assign the ticket to the right expert due to the language barrier.


AirHelp Implemented an Omni channel support strategy and integrated social media and messaging apps.

They added 846 response templates to improve response time.

Incorporated one dashboard to evaluate all metrics of customer service, assign resources based on real-time data, and measure team performance with the help of KPI.


  • It helped AirHelp to improve their response time on Facebook by 65%
  • Their customer service coverage expanded.


Datamatics is a technology company that builds data-driven business intelligence solutions to digitally transform itself with the help of Robotics, AI, mobility, cloud, and advanced analytics.


The clients asked for better customer service. The lack of efficient customer service resources largely affected the customer experience. Therefore Datamatics wanted to provide exceptional customer service to their ever-growing client base which in return would help in the growth of a digital marketplace business on an expandable platform.


Datamatics focused on customer service infrastructure and deployed Omni channel customer service (phone, email, chat support) and dwindled issues related to service and scalability.


  • The quality output increased to 98.33%.
  • The live chat answer response improved by 98%.
  • There was a reduction in email TAT by 4hrs.
  • Feedback rating on Amazon virtual marketplace improved to 5.0.

Walmart case study

Walmart is a very famous retail corporation from the USA, headquartered in Arkansas. It’s well known for operating discount department stores, grocery stores, and a chain of hypermarkets.


Founded in 1969, Walmart grew exponentially by opening large stores in the suburbs, streamlining its supply chain, and offering high sales at low profits. But the rise of E-commerce giants like Amazon lured away their customers. As a result, they were losing customers.


Studying the crisis, in 2010, Walmart opted for the Omni channel strategy. Having a large network, they made the most out of it by focusing on improving customer satisfaction and increasing sales at existing stores. Started Offering online grocery delivery service which delivered the food ordered online from stores to customer’s doorstep. Also, it allowed customers to receive products purchased online at the store parking via ‘online grocery pickup’.


Walmart’s performance returned to life. Their online sales would now compete with Amazon.

How to implement omnichannel support for your business?

Identify customers

Before you implement Omni channel support for your customers, you need to identify your prospective customers first. You can’t sell your product to just anyone and everyone. You need to understand who your idle customers are going to be. You need to have a target audience. It makes the Omni channel strategy more effective.

You should be aware of your customer’s demographic, customers’ behavior, the preferred mode of communication, buying habits, and various other preferences.

Digging into the minute details helps you assist your customers better.

Conduct audience segmentation

Once you have a detailed understanding of your target audience, categorize them into groups. It helps you offer relevant products to the right customers.

Customers get frustrated when they receive irrelevant content. Segmentation helps you offer personalized service.

And if you think segmentation is a tough task. Worry not. Most Omni channel marketing automation solutions carry out rule-based customer segmentation based on the target audience you’ve set. It can be based on gender, customer loyalty, previous engagement level, geography, etc. The solution allows you to even customize the persona if you want to expand them.

Prioritize channels and devices

Be it using your website or speaking with support agents over the phone, every channel has a unique role to play. Customers perceive your brand as per their experience. There are innumerable channels. Each of them provides a unique customer experience. The channel you select to bring your customer strategy to life is equally as crucial as the messages that you communicate on their platforms.

However, selecting the right support channel that mixes right with your organization is not that simple. You’ll have to be mindful while selecting the right channel.

For instance, individuals in traditional sectors may expect human interaction, while individuals working in fast-moving technology sectors may prefer a high-level response via devices.

Use analytics to understand your audience’s preferences and select the right channel.

Integrate Omni channel

Integrating all the online and offline touchpoints is the toughest part of adopting Omni channel customer support.
Smooth integration of different channels forms the foundation of the Omni channel strategy. Failing to integrate the channels successfully will harm your business.

You’ll have to carefully select the right set of technologies to smoothen the process.

Chat360 helps you unite different channels that involve tracking your customers and their shopping experience across every channel and connecting it with others without having to use heavy codes or programming language.

Train your team

Customer support staff are the pillar of customer service. Since social media is expanding, smartphones are upgrading, and websites are updated every day, the support team should be able to adapt to the change and understand current expectations.

Therefore proper training plays a huge role in keeping the staff updated. Make sure your support agent understands Facebook, Twitter, and other channels, along with contact center AI software, to offer a flawless customer experience.

Measure your performance

While implementing an Omni channel customer support strategy, you should also define the key performance indicators (KPI) that measure the success of the strategy. Accessing your omni channel strategy is critical to understand what is working and where improvement is required.

With several channels in the mix, it can be difficult to evaluate them and compare their results. And for that, you might need tools to study all the cross-channel data. Therefore keep an eye on reports and analytical data as they give you an idea about which way your campaign is heading.

Also, only measuring the efficiency is not enough. Your Omni channel strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to continuous growth and development.


An omni channel strategy streamlines your communication channels, enabling your team and customer to work smoothly between them. It promotes Quality service that improves ROI. It’s no wonder most enterprises are investing in providing omnichannel support.

Thereby, follow best practices for perfect omnichannel customer support. 24/7 availability and outstanding mobile service will boost sales.

The post Omni channel customer service strategy and case study appeared first on Chat360.

What is an omnichannel experience? Tue, 03 Jan 2023 17:32:05 +0000 Brand experiences are omnichannel when users are able to connect with businesses on all platforms and channels of their choice. Omnichannel experiences integrate conversations on the website, in-app, phone calls, text like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc, social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. and in-store. This allows customers to seamlessly alternate between channels, all the while receiving … Continue reading What is an omnichannel experience?

The post What is an omnichannel experience? appeared first on Chat360.

Brand experiences are omnichannel when users are able to connect with businesses on all platforms and channels of their choice. Omnichannel experiences integrate conversations on the website, in-app, phone calls, text like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc, social media like Facebook, Instagram, etc. and in-store. This allows customers to seamlessly alternate between channels, all the while receiving consistent service each time.

With today’s increasingly digital customers, brands must develop solutions that ensure connected customer journeys. The need to go omnichannel arises from dynamic user behavior. A user who finds out about your brand on Instagram, but chooses to browse through your product catalog on your website, expects similar service quality on both channels.

While several brands were multichannel before the rampant digitization, only a few were omnichannel. Now, how does a multichannel approach differ from an omnichannel customer experience?

In this blog, we will dive deep into omnichannel customer experiences, their importance, and how you can optimize them for your users.

Multichannel vs omnichannel customer experience

A multi-channel experience approach aims at boosting engagement by offering customers the freedom to connect via various independent channels. Whereas, the omnichannel strategy works on enhancing the user experience by merging data from multiple channels to ensure consistency. Multichannel helps brands build more customer touchpoints, while omnichannel user experiences are geared to augment the inherent quality of these interactions.

Multichannel vs Omnichannel Comparison Image

Optimizing omnichannel experiences with customer feedback

Today, customers have greater expectations than before. They want brands to support them as and when they need help. Their preference for channels is diverse and not unitary. In fact, a Harvard Business Review study of 46000 respondents showed that more than 7 in 10 customers prefer to shop from multiple channels.

We all know that acquiring new customers is more costly than ensuring to keep the current user pool is intact. When it comes to customer retention, omnichannel engagement strategies help businesses retain over 89% of their users on average!

Evidently, it’s crucial for brands to invest in omnichannel customer experiences. Users love consistent service, irrespective of the channel or the technology used. Today, conversational AI is helping brands curate standardized experiences for brands at scale by using customer feedback as a tool.

What is the importance of customer feedback in optimizing customer support?

Customer happiness is central to a winning brand perception. Patiently listening to what your users have to say can help you curate even more fulfilling omnichannel experiences for them. PWC’s Future of CX study of over 15000 respondents showed that just after a single bad experience, 1 in 3 users will abandon a brand they love. Whereas, a whopping 9 in 10 users will ditch spending on a business after two to three negative experiences. Moreover, Hubspot shows that for 33% of users, their experience with a brand takes a hit when they have to repeat themselves when speaking to customer support .

Identifying what your users want and pivoting your support strategy here becomes crucial. Data-intact omnichannel experiences are indeed the need of the hour. In fact, another recent survey showed the impact of channel integration on CX. In their report on retailing, PWC found that the companies investing in the omnichannel engagement approach shot up from 20% to 80% in 2020!

An omnichannel experience strategy based on customer feedback is the beacon of improvement for brands. Here’s why:

1. Identify loopholes in the existing framework

Your omnichannel customer support may look watertight to you from a second POV, but the ground reality may differ. Customer feedback helps users highlight what’s not working out for them. For example, if most of your users are reporting issues or lags at the checkout page in their feedback, it’d be pretty simple to deduce that there is an issue with your payment gateway.

2. Build brand loyalty and higher CLV

Great customer experience can be a competitive advantage for your brand. And users prefer brands that lend a listening ear. They appreciate businesses that act upon suggestions or criticism they relay. This in turn, translates to increased product stickiness and, eventually, higher customer lifetime value.

3. Sell more with higher ROI

Did you know that companies with a solid omnichannel strategy often sell 10% more than their single-channeled counterparts? It’s true. If there’s anything we’ve learned from users voicing their opinions, it’s the need for collaborative, omnichannel customer support. Inculcating customer feedback into your support system helps you sell more efficiently, to new audiences, with an investment that yields high returns.

How does omni channel customer support work

By combining various elements, omni channel customer support creates a unified and cohesive customer experience, fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. It empowers businesses to connect with customers on their preferred channels, providing a seamless and efficient support journey. Below are the different communication channels to consider for best omnichannel experience.

1. Chatbot: It allows support agents to connect and respond to customer queries in real-time, enhancing the efficiency of customer interactions.

2. Video and Voice Call: Omni channel customer support streamlines customer interaction over mobile devices, chats, and phone calls, offering flexibility and convenience.

3. Live Chat: This feature provides quick and effective customer support through real-time messaging, ensuring timely resolution of customer queries.

4. Co-browsing: Omni channel customer support facilitates safe customer service through browse-based screen sharing, eliminating the need for downloads and enhancing collaboration.

5. Social Media Integration: Extending its reach, omni channel support integrates with social media platforms, enabling businesses to engage with customers on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

6. Email Communication: Integration with email ensures that customers can seek assistance through this traditional channel, seamlessly incorporating email queries into the overall support workflow.

7. SMS and Text Messaging: Communication through SMS and text messages allows businesses to send quick updates, notifications, and resolve simple queries through a widely-used communication channel.

8. Knowledge Base Integration: Businesses leverage an omnichannel approach by integrating a comprehensive knowledge base, empowering customers with self-help resources and reducing the need for direct support interactions.

9. Ticketing System: Omni channel support includes a ticketing system to track and manage customer issues systematically, ensuring efficient resolution and documentation.

10. Mobile App Support: Support for mobile apps allows customers to seek assistance directly within the app, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

11. Analytics and Reporting: Omni channel support solutions often include analytics tools to track and analyze customer interactions, providing businesses with valuable insights to improve their support strategies.

How to use customer feedback to optimize omnichannel experiences?

When it comes to improving your omnichannel experiences, first-hand accounts from customers are your best bet. While this plethora of data can be helpful, you can only leverage it with the right tools. Here’s how you can use customer feedback to optimize your omnichannel experiences:

1. Build a single-panel customer view

Your users constantly change their habits, behavior’s, likes, and preferences. And they are always telling you about them through various platforms and channels. This treasure trove of data is scattered across multiple intended actions – ad clicks, product page visits, newsletter subscriptions, etc.

Independently viewed, all of this data may not be illuminating. However, having a systematic panel view of consumer data collated from all channels can be. It’s essential for you to have a single analytical idea of this data from all these touchpoints to understand your target user’s typical behavior.

2. Identify high-yield touchpoints

Mapping out all of your customer journeys does not require equal attention. It’s important for a brand to filter out journeys that have the maximum business impact.

Let’s take an example. Assume you have a new product in the launch phase for which you’re trying to get pre-bookings. Before it hits the floors, you run a marketing campaign on social media and email. You compare the data from both channels and find that most of your CTA clicks are from social ads. Most ad impressions and interactions begin from your social channels.

This would mean that your users want and prefer your service through social fronts rather than email. This cohesive, omnichannel data (in this case, from social and email) can help you narrow down your best-performing journeys.

3. Deploy real-time tracking and analytics to stay on top

Personalization is a big part of the user psyche today. Users expect brands to deliver personalized offerings built on their omnichannel experiences with brands. These expectations are not limited to their most recent touchpoints.

Customer analytics based on real-time feedback helps you identify users most prone to getting churned. This can help you troubleshoot any persistent issues users may face proactively. By reading into the behavioral patterns of users, you can deliver personalized offers or escalated support to avoid losing them.

Omnichannel customer experience examples: Real-life action from brands excelling at holistic CX

We now know how an omnichannel customer experience strategy can benefit your business. We also know how you can go about building one. Now, it’s time to talk about brands that are doing it right. The pandemic has propelled most small or big businesses into the digital space. This required them to quickly adapt to the change to ensure happy online user experiences and a seamless offline-to-online switch.

Let’s dive into our top picks of examples of omnichannel customer experience from brands.


As a big box department store chain, all of Target’s footfall was offline. So, when the pandemic hit, the store had to ensure intact customer journeys for its online users.

Target’s program, Buy Online Pickup In-Store (BOPIS), saw a 400% jump since 2019 , reported Brian Cornell, the brand’s CEO. This program seamlessly merged Target’s offline and online touchpoints as it allowed users to place orders on the mobile app, which would be ready to be picked up from a Target associate at the store’s curbside.

Not only did Target help merge the gap between offline and online grocery shopping, their mobile app also comes equipped with in-store maps to navigate the sizeable offline premise.


IKEA is known for its confusing store layouts that are grouped and staged to mimic different spaces in a home. From complete kitchen setups to DIY baby nurseries, IKEA has simplified furniture shopping for everyone.

IKEA has worked to merge its offline, website, and mobile experiences into a straightforward journey. Customers can curate their personalized shopping lists on the app, which can then instruct the user to the location to find the items in the store.

IKEA even launched an app called “IKEA Place” which allows users to imagine how well a piece of furniture would settle in their homes by virtually placing them in the app. The company made this possible by using augmented reality, which helped users accurately assess the look in a true-to-size 3D format.


Sephora is probably the first name that comes to our minds when we talk about the beauty retail Mecca. Sephora’s in-store experience uses technology just the right way to ensure integrated omnichannel experiences. Users can use the mobile app to know about the in-store product catalogue and ongoing deals. They can filter and view products and try them virtually on the app with the help of AR to find their best fit.

Sephora also propagates organic community building. With their “Beauty Insider” program, Sephora helps beauty-savvy users share beauty tips, product reviews, doubts, and questions with each other. It also provides a live chat feature to help them connect with other users in real-time. All in all, Sephora’s tech stack ensures a seamless omnichannel customer experience for users online and offline.


Building omnichannel customer experiences is no longer just a choice for brands that want to exceed user expectations. Ensuring consistent user support, no matter the time or platform should be the top priority for today’s brands. This is only possible by merging disconnected touchpoints with an engagement tool built to serve your users.

Chat360 is an enterprise-grade conversational AI solution that can help to build omnichannel customer experiences across your digital presence. Design and deploy your very own chatbot on all your social channels, your app, and even your website!

Chat360, a leading provider of versatile chatbot solutions for businesses. Seamlessly connect with customers across diverse platforms, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, websites, and more. Elevate your customer engagement by integrating Chat360 with popular CRM platforms, ensuring a unified and streamlined communication experience. 

Experience the ease of managing interactions, consolidating data, and fostering meaningful connections with clients. With Chat360’s cutting-edge technology, businesses can effortlessly navigate the digital landscape, delivering consistent and personalised experiences. Choose Chat360 for unparalleled Omnichannel Integration and stay ahead in the dynamic world of customer communication.

Schedule a free demo today!

The post What is an omnichannel experience? appeared first on Chat360.

Omni channel customer support guide Sat, 31 Dec 2022 16:56:54 +0000 According to Unplanned BlueVenn, consumers today connect with brands across at least 20 channels on average. And expect a seamless experience across all. At the same time, 73% of customers get frustrated when they have to repeat their issues over and over again. That’s when there arises the need for Omni channel customer support. It … Continue reading Omni channel customer support guide

The post Omni channel customer support guide appeared first on Chat360.

According to Unplanned BlueVenn, consumers today connect with brands across at least 20 channels on average. And expect a seamless experience across all.

At the same time, 73% of customers get frustrated when they have to repeat their issues over and over again. That’s when there arises the need for Omni channel customer support. It integrates the fragments of customer interaction scattered across various channels and offers a connected, holistic experience.

In the blog, we’ll dive into what Omni channel customer support is, its benefits, examples, and more.

What is Omni channel customer support and how does it work?

Omni channel customer support simply means offering unified support to customers via different channels. Or, more than just providing support, it is about developing a harmonious customer service model so that all communication channels are aligned and function simultaneously.

How does omni channel customer support work?

Chatbot – It allows customers to support agents to connect and respond to customer’s queries in real-time.

Video and voice call – the Omni channel customer support streamlines customer interaction over mobile devices, chats, and phone calls.

Live chat – provides quick and effective customer support via real-time messaging.

Co-browsing – Omni channel customer support helps you safely provide customer service through no download, browse-based screen sharing.

Benefits of Omni channel customer support

By improving your customer support experience with an Omni channel strategy, your customers, team, and business can enjoy a huge benefit, some of which we’ll discuss below.

Simplified customer journey

The AI-powered Omni channel customer support tool helps keep track of every customer’s journey and provides personalized support when needed. It allows you to send target messages and reach out to potential customers who are conducting research across platforms.

In case any customer leaves, the tool picks off the customer from wherever they left and helps them with their problem.

Better customer satisfaction

Customers are happy with brands that offer Omni channel support. That’s because purchasing becomes easier for customers as they don’t have to repeat themselves about the prior or ongoing conversation. Agents can go through conversation history to keep track of context and be in touch-point what customers have been through. Such a seamless experience will leave customers satisfied. As a result, they stay loyal to your brand.

Increase revenue

We’ve already learned that Omni channel customer support helps provide a flawless customer experience. As a result, there’s high customer retention. Once customer retention increases by as little as 5%, your revenue increases by 45%-50%.

And how is that so?

Well, existing loyal customers tend to spend 35% more on purchases as compared to one-time purchases.

Thereby Omni channel customer support has a huge impact on customer retention and revenue increases.

Increase productivity

Customer service teams also have to frequently deal with customers who have had a conversation in the past. Be it over calls or chats. The Omni channel customer support can track the past conversations and continue from there on without needing to repeat the problem.

It saves time for both customers and employees, leading to better productivity. Also promotes quality conversation, creating a good experience for both agents and customers.

Enable brands to serve diverse audiences

Multiple communication channels allow you to engage with both potential and existing customers. Especially when it comes to interaction through social media and live chats, you get a chance to interact with customers of different demographics.

Satisfied customers leave honest and positive reviews on social media, which is a very common trend in providing feedback.

Omni channel customer support Examples


A very famous example of an Omni channel in the e-commerce world is Amazon. They have created an outstanding user-friendly interface for a great customer experience. And interestingly customers can have almost the same experience on a phone and a desktop.

Once the customer adds items to their chart via computer, the cart syncs with their app on mobile devices as well.

The Omni channel strategy has helped Amazon continue its growth. The third quarter of 2022 showed sales of approx $127.1 billion, overtaking the record of the same quarter of 2021 which was $110.81 billion.


Starbucks has carefully designed Omni channel customer support to enhance relationships with customers and inspire repeat purchases. Its most famous application, ‘My application reward’, allows customers to order, select and store for pickup, pay, and tip.

Customers can also take advantage of offers and promotions. They can view their reward cards via mobile app, website, or in-store.

The coffee giant has also taken its Omni channel to a higher level by collaborating with Spotify to create a music system. Here customers subscribed to Spotify premium can check out music played in one of their shops.


For an admirable Omni channel customer experience, Sephora has connected its online purchase to its in-store visits.

It allows customers to virtually try on the beauty product through a beauty bag account. They can add the product to their wishlist and make their purchase using the app.

Also when a customer visits the physical store, they can shop with the help of an app. Sephora places several tablets in the store for customers. So that customers can log in to their beauty bag account. It helps them narrow down their choices and keep track of products they have added to the wishlist.


An American retail and outdoor recreation service corporation, REI studied customer behavior and included various touchpoints. They notice that 75% of their customers visit its website or mobile app before going to its physical store for purchase. Therefore REI ensured that product information and prices are well synced between their app, website, and physical store.

Not just that, REI also saw that customers were using mobile devices to access product information inside the stores, so they offer free wifi in all its stores for a better customer experience. And the company also offered barcodes so that customers could scan them with their phones and access additional information about the product.


Disney has beautifully integrated customers’ digital technology with Omni channel experience.

Customers can take advantage of a user-friendly browsing experience via phone or computer. It offers an application ‘My Disney Experience ‘ that connects their activities within the theme park. The application syncs tickets, photos were taken at the park, and everything across various channels and allows you to access them any time you like.

In addition to that, via the application, you can manage your hotel and dining activities and park activities. You are also allowed to add family members to your friend list.

You can have information regarding crowd traffic and waiting time. Overall it’s a wonderful example of Omni channel customer support.

Omnichannel support tools

While building an Omni channel experience has been a requisite for a business to succeed, it’s a daunting task to select the right tools.

It should be user-friendly and meet customers’ expectations. Therefore, here are some tools that are going to make your support journey easier.


Customers try to contact you from different channels. You’d not want to miss out on any of them.

Thereby, to make things easier for you, Acquire has come up with an Al in one customer engagement tool. It offers customer support, boosts online conversation, and allows teams to qualify leads.

It offers you facilities like a chatbot, live chat, browser-based screen sharing, video calls, and voice calls.


A very interesting feature that keep provides is a campaign builder. The tool allows you to customize a dashboard where you can keep records of both existing clients and leads throughout the sales process. It enables you to trigger email sequences automatically and move them to different stages of the buyer’s journey.

With keap, you can smoothly unify customers across multiple channels. You can keep sales appointments in order and set automated follow-ups.


Chat360 is a great AI-driven customer support solution. It promotes team collaboration, automates repetitive tasks, and streamlines customer conversations via various platforms and touchpoints. It helps you monitor and track accounts across various platforms. Chat360 tool helps you automate follow-ups and reminders or send personalized emails by keeping sales appointments in order.


BounceX Omni channel solution helps you track customer data and take them forward to the next step through a different channel. With BounceX, you can personalize your website and ads based on customer identity. It allows you to nurture your users down your sales funnel with the help of email addresses they give you.


A flawless customer journey and solid experience are at the core of Omni channel customer support. It increases customer loyalty and boosts productivity.

An Omni channel integrates your communication channels and allows your team and customers to work persistently between them.

Therefore evaluate data, embrace customers’ journey, and use the right tools to ensure customer satisfaction.

Further, read:

Omni channel customer service strategy and case study

How to automate Contact center using Omni channel

The post Omni channel customer support guide appeared first on Chat360.

How to improve your company’s bad customer service? Mon, 26 Dec 2022 17:24:30 +0000 While customer satisfaction is a prime concern for any business today, great customer service plays a crucial role. Because competition is higher than ever before, your business thrives only when you offer top-notch customer service. Bad customer service will cost you your business reputation. According to a Survey, 61% of customers switched brands due to … Continue reading How to improve your company’s bad customer service?

The post How to improve your company’s bad customer service? appeared first on Chat360.

While customer satisfaction is a prime concern for any business today, great customer service plays a crucial role. Because competition is higher than ever before, your business thrives only when you offer top-notch customer service. Bad customer service will cost you your business reputation.

According to a Survey, 61% of customers switched brands due to bad customer service. Lack of quality service increases the risk of losing not just current customers but potential ones as well.

If you disappoint one customer, he will share the bad experience with his close circle through word of mouth. Hence, there’ll be a chain of negative markings that will have a ruinous effect on your business.

Therefore, bad customer service has negative consequences for your business. In the blog, we’ll talk about: what is bad customer service, its causes, examples, and ways to improve it.

What is bad customer service?

Bad customer service is when a business fails to provide quality customer experience during difficult customer situations.

Poor customer service mostly has a devastating impact on businesses. It fails to meet customers’ expectations causing revenue to drop and costs to rise.

Examples of bad customer service

1. Putting customers on hold for too long

Putting customers on hold acts as a customer repellent as they want a fast solution. There’s no way that customers would stay experiencing such shoddy service. It is annoying and frustrating for customers, especially when they are uncertain whether the representative is making any effort to help them or simply wasting their time.

It produces operational inefficiencies. Companies that don’t prevent hold time face money loss leading to loss of business. Also, Hold time is not just about wasted time. It reflects that you don’t value or appreciate your customer. Hence, they will leave you for a better option.

2. Using Negative language

The right tone and language use are critical to soothe and calm customers. You should make your customers feel at ease when they have any problems. Your customers want to have faith in your agents when it comes to a solution, even if they don’t have any. A bad choice of words can destroy your relationship with customers.

Words like:
Sorry, we can’t do anything
We’ll let you know.
It isn’t our fault
Visit our help center

These words make customers feel disillusioned.

3. Prioritizing company policy above the customers’ need

With the growth of the business, the need arises to add and manage internal structures to regulate business. And the incorporation of terms and policies or rules becomes a requirement to keep the customer experience at best.

However, at times, the same rules and policies hinder the company from offering the best customer experience.

For instance, there was news where Barbara Carroll was charged $7455 for 5 boxes of toilet paper. She thought Amazon’s customer service would take care of it, but the company refused the refund, saying the order was delivered on time and there was no refund policy.

4. Ignoring customer feedback

Your business grows only when you deeply understand your customers’ feelings. Whether or not they are happy with your product. And since the internet and social media have made customer interaction much easier. Customers do not hesitate to leave their honest feedback.

However, the lack of response makes customers unhappy. It makes them feel that you don’t care about your customers’ opinions or value their contribution to the business.

Ignoring the feedback can be destructive because you are also ignoring the scope of improvement that you lack. Collecting Customer feedback might seem challenging but using chatbots for collecting feedback will simply the process and make it more efficient

5. Unhelpful chat

Live chat adds great value to customer service strategies. Customers can easily connect with you without having to deal with long hold times. And responding to multiple customers at once becomes easier.

However, when it comes to complex queries, chat service agents aren’t well-equipped to handle them. They give solutions that don’t always work, leaving everyone frustrated.

6. A lack of empathy

Customers expect you to listen and understand their pain when they feel helpless. They want the agents to acknowledge the inconvenience caused.

If the agent fails to empathize with them and does not engage on the emotional ground, the customers might feel there’s no sense of responsibility and sorry. This may intensify the situation leading to a bad customer experience and harming the reputation.

What causes bad customer service?

1. Hiring unqualified people

Handling customers in diverse situations isn’t an easy task. It requires the right set of skills and attitude. Hiring unqualified employees who lack relevant skills will not be able to deal with customers the right way and provide a good customer experience.

2. Lack of training

Customers’ expectations are dynamic in nature. The same solution that works today might not be effective the next time. Lack of Proper training prevents the employee from being up to date with the changing environment and improving.

3. Employee burnout

Excessive workload, stressful working environment, low morale, or poor management cause employee burnout. As a result, they are not able to concentrate and offer great service.

4. Lack of employee empowerment

At times, agents can’t make effective decisions because their hands are tied. Therefore, they are left with no option but to pass the customer on to someone else who has the authority to make things happen. As a result, customers have to spend more time explaining the same problem again and again.

How to improve your company’s bad customer service?

1. Strength your customer service skills

Your team should have the right set of skills to look after customer grievances. Skills like empathy, patience, and adaptability help build customer trust and reliability.

Not all customers are the same. Some are short-tempered, others are slow graspers, and some are just chatty and full of questions. Such situations demand patience and understanding. Support agents should be taught not to take anything personally and handle the situation in a calm and composed manner.

They should learn to sense customers’ moods and adapt accordingly. Since there’s pain hidden under their unfavorable mood, the agents should listen to their grievances with empathy.

2. Clear communication

Conveying the right message requires clear communication. Make sure that customers understand what you mean.

For instance, you don’t want your customers to think 10% off for 10% extra on any product. Use positive language and maintain a soft tone to make things clear. And ensure that your customers are satisfied before ending the conversation.

In case you’re not able to resolve their problem right away, acknowledge them, and let them know that you’ll get back to them once the problem is resolved. Such responses make the problem feel much lighter.

3. Practice active listening

Customers should be heard no matter what. They should feel that you understand their pain. Clarify and rephrase their words to ensure you understand them. Empathize with their feelings by saying words like: “let me help you with the problem”, ” sorry for the inconvenience,” etc.

Repeating what customers said affirms that you were heartily listening and are concerned.

4. Admit your mistake

Owning the mistake builds trust and restores confidence among customers. If you discover your mistake before your customers and take measures to fix it, customers will trust you even more.

Taking ownership of mistakes shows that you don’t shy away from responsibility which is a sign of strong responsibility.

5. Prioritize customer privacy

Maintain strict protocols regarding customers’ data inside your company. Make it transparent to your customers about what you do with their information and the steps you have taken to protect their information. Don’t just mention it; put it into action. Train your agents to follow the protocol, and take care of customers’ privacy.

6. Offer Omni channel support

The biggest problem customers face is getting in touch with support agents. It takes hours and even days to speak to the human agent. By the time the agent is available, customers would have already found the answers to their problems or canceled their service.

Therefore every business should have an Omni channel presence so that customers can seek help from any channel they use.

Since there are many channels to stop from. Customers are available on different channels at their convenience. Your support strategy needs to cover all of that. It can be phone support, email support, live chat support, social media support, and so on.

Make it easier for customers to contact you. It will make the customers happier.

7. Use customer service performance management software

A user-friendly customer service software ensures quality service support. While it might feel intermediating to include technology at first, your team can get used to it over time once they are up and running it.

The software can be a massive time saver. It allows you to create gamified tasks, study performance, provide connective measures and enhance quality assurance.

8. Provide a self-help option

Many customers find it comfortable to help themselves rather than seeking help from customer service representatives.

A depth knowledge base or FAQ sections can be an excellent self-help feature. It offers troubleshooting guides, step by step tutorials for the most common complaints and queries.

You can also attach a link to the FAQ/knowledge base section in the email body to make it easier for customers to help themselves with the solution. The FAQ section can also be automated using chatbots, making it more convenient for end-users.

9. Train your agents

Training your agents isn’t an expense but an investment. It improves productivity and performance. They learn new skills and knowledge to cope with ever-changing customer demand. It helps them refine their skill and become the best version of themselves.

It’s crucial to educate the agent about the company and its products so that they can identify issues beforehand and take useful steps.

Train your agents to regularly improve their listening skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving capacity.

As your support agents represent your brand, educate them to follow correct customer service etiquette while attending to customers.


How To Build Customer Service System For Your Company?

What is the difference between Customer care and Customer service?

Wrap up

See how Chat360 can help you improve your customer service by reaching out to your customers in their preferred channels. Delight your customers with instant engagement. Chat360 AI chatbot simplifies your work, eliminates unnecessary and time-consuming steps, and saves you money.

The post How to improve your company’s bad customer service? appeared first on Chat360.

What is the difference between Customer care and Customer service? Sat, 17 Dec 2022 17:49:33 +0000 In this competitive era, your relationship with your customer is of paramount importance for your business. And customers will lean towards those offerings they perceive will offer a better value than the competitors. There are many ways to build, retain and strengthen this interaction and relationship. Here in this blog, let’s emphasize on customer care … Continue reading What is the difference between Customer care and Customer service?

The post What is the difference between Customer care and Customer service? appeared first on Chat360.

In this competitive era, your relationship with your customer is of paramount importance for your business. And customers will lean towards those offerings they perceive will offer a better value than the competitors. There are many ways to build, retain and strengthen this interaction and relationship. Here in this blog, let’s emphasize on customer care and customer service – the two important practices followed to enhance customers’ experience. 

The two terms are on the same spectrum and are often used interchangeably in many instances. However, there is a difference between customer care and customer service. Both the terms are different when anticipating customers’ needs and thus comprise different principles and strategies. Let’s dive deep, one definition at a time!

Customer service: Focus on needs, and provide value beyond the initial purchase

Customer service is an important part of your customer experience strategy. It is designed to solve common customer problems – help them get familiar with the brand & its offerings, make smart purchase choices, and after-purchase support.

It is an important part of customer retention, as customers form an opinion about the company while speaking to those who should represent its value the most! Often the entire customer experience can be heavily influenced by a customer service interaction.

If a blip in customer experience, say receiving a faulty package — means that a customer will contact customer service. This can be a make-or-break moment for keeping that customer.

Data suggests that 90% of customers pick their brand based on customer service. (highlight in sticker)  

Measuring Customer service

You can measure if you’re serving your customers using metrics like 

Customer Effort Score (CES)  a service metric that measures how much effort customers put in to interact with your business.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)A customer experience metric that measures happiness with a product, service, or customer support interaction through a customer satisfaction survey. 

Transactional Net Promoter Score (tNPS) – Designed to measure a customer’s satisfaction after a specific event/stage of engagement.

Customer Care: The relationship you have with your customers

Customer care is an aspect of your overall customer experience cycle and one step beyond customer service. It defines how you treat your customers when they interact with your company and brand. It includes every experience customers have – from the pre-purchases to after they become a customer and beyond. A highly personal approach to building customer relationships that deepens over the long term. 

Measuring customer care 

By incorporating customer care practices into their operations, businesses can foster positive and unique relationships with their clientele. Since customer care is more about personalized customer interactions, not everyone wants the same cookie-cutter experience. Where some may want a high-touch interaction, some others may just want one or two hints and they are good to go. 

Loyalty and success are two such byproducts that symbolize care for your customers. You need to create experiences that delight and satisfy customers and thus can build those, as mentioned earlier. 

When you make customer care a business priority, you are likely to build trust, reduce churn, and boost your bottom line. It will improve the brand reputation and sets you apart from the competition.

Do customer service and customer care share commonalities?

Yes, that’s right! Though there is a difference between customer care and customer service, they still share certain commonalities. Take a look. 

Mutually contribute to customer experience.

Both customer service and customer care affect the company’s overall customer experience. Customers value the usefulness of customer services. They also appreciate the empathetic treatment and having quality one-on-one interactions with brand representatives. 

Improved customer satisfaction

Happy and satisfied clients boost the company’s growth. For example, satisfied customers may be more willing to provide testimonials or positive reviews about your products or services.  It is a boon if your customer service and customer care efforts can help your clients feel satisfied with your business. 

Presence throughout the buyer’s journey

Both customer care practices and customer services significantly contribute either fully or at certain stages of the buyer’s journey. For example, customer service representatives assist clients in understanding which goods/services fulfill their needs or help customers solve challenges that might arise after purchases.

Likewise, your staff can use customer care practices during the buyer’s journey in entirety to ensure that clients receive personalized attention.

Boost customer retention

Quality customer care and service may help you keep a higher number of your customers. In this competitive market, if your customer service and customer care policies and practices are a notch higher, you will retain your customers and prevent them from switching to competitors.  

Proactive & Reactive response

Both customer service and customer care have two approaches when reaching out to customers. 

  • Proactive response, where the customer first decides to reach out to the brand for help, and the team provides assistance in return. 
  • Reactive response, where the customer service and care team themselves reach out to the customer to check in with their progress.  

What is the difference between customer care and customer service

Let’s delve into the factors that testify to customer care vs customer service

Help the brand loyalty 

Although both customer service and customer care work towards enhancing customer experience, customer care is more oriented toward improving brand loyalty. If you make your customer feel valued, it creates that trust that the brand will fulfill their needs – they are more likely to stay loyal to the brand and might help bring new leads too. 

Working with multidisciplinary teams 

A team is built dedicated to customer service, including trained and educated representatives to solve customer problems and issues. The motive is to look after customer queries, guide them through the purchase process, and post-purchase product assistance. As for customer care, it acts as a policy incorporated by any department directly or indirectly associated with the customer. 

Measurements of success

Businesses use different key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate customer care and service responsibilities. Customer services use quantitative measures, such as the time each service request takes, how many issues each customer service representative successfully resolves, etc.

However, customer care practices focus on optimizing the quality of each individual client interaction. For instance, customer care teams might ask clients to fill out surveys to understand how customers feel during or after their interactions with the brand.

Personalized interactions

Although both involve treating customers with individualized attention, however, customer care places greater emphasis on personalizing interactions with customers. This personalization helps clients feel valued by your business.

The time span of customer goals

Customer service job is typically short-term. Once the customer contacts the brand with a query or problem, it ends when that problem is resolved. On the contrary, customer care prioritizes strengthening customer interaction on a long-term basis. Treat customers with empathy and care, regardless of the interaction. 

Complete or partial involvement of all departments

In the case of customer service, representatives may handle one or multiple aspects related to customer service – helping prospects choose products/services that match their needs, managing customer correspondence & helping customers troubleshoot or fix issues related to their business.

On the contrary, customer care involves complete involvement across company departments. Marketing, Sales, and other departments that regularly interact with customers can benefit from customer care initiatives.

For example, a marketing team prefers to personalize ads suiting various segments of their entire consumer base. Or an administrative staff follows up with customers to confirm if they have resolved their customer service ticket.

When customer service is powered by technology

Digitalization has transformed the way we buy, pay, and also interact. Thanks to AI intervention – a technological breakthrough that has taken almost every business industry by storm. And customer service is no exception. 

AI transforming customer service game the chatbot way

AI has transformed customer service interactions, including online customer experience, loyalty, brand reputation, preventive assistance, and even the generation of revenue streams. It has become an incredible helper in improving your support without sacrificing too many resources. 

Speaking of AI, one will mostly associate it with chatbots in customer service. Undoubtedly, chatbots make up a large part of automated communications as they offer diverse support. However, there’s always more to discover when it comes to AI in customer service.

Lets the explore the depth of this massive hype about how AI has completely transformed customer service.

  • Zero-human intervention: For instance, AI-powered chatbots easily recognize voice triggers & provide necessary information and guidance without needing human interference.
  • Insightful analysis: Exploiting vast amounts of data generated through customer communications and analyzing the same for identifying customer behavior, preferences, churn rate, and more.
  • Seamless lead generation: AI analyses browsing history on company sites, translates what customers want, and guides them to what they need. It identifies common trends and pain points for users. And this analysis is performed for hundreds of conversations simultaneously. 
  • Streamlines workflows: One can rely on AI to monitor customer activity, provide answers to frequently asked questions, offer assistance during the checkout process, and more. At moments, it can also easily transfer a customer to a human agent for more personalized interactions.
  • Stellar customer service: An AI Chatbot facilitates 24/7 availability, personalized and targeted support, fast response times, and multilingual support to improve customer experience, bringing new levels of customer loyalty.
  • Soft on pocket: Using AI is more budget-friendly than hiring customer service representatives once the business grows. For this, you could look for companies that specialize in assisting with providing automated communications. Your savings will be substantial.  

Summing it up

So, don’t you think it’s high time to consider AI and its powerful tools to improve customer service? 

You must consider it! In fact,  we can help you join the league of early adopters and thrive in the customer service industry with Chat360.

Sign up for free!

Further, read:

Inbound Customer Service Vs Outbound Customer Service

The post What is the difference between Customer care and Customer service? appeared first on Chat360.
